26. Regina v. D.T. [Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Edmonton – November, 2010]

Client was the primary target of the Edmonton Police Service Gang Unit relative to alleged cocaine trafficking. As a consequence of ongoing surveillance our client was apprehended at a “meet” involving approximately $8,000.00 in cash and close to a pound of cocaine. Client was charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, possessing proceeds of crime and various weapons offences. The matter was scheduled for trial and on day 1 of trial proceedings the case was resolved by way of a complete withdrawal of the cocaine charge, a complete withdrawal of the weapons charges and a plea of guilty to possessing proceeds of crime. Our client received a 6 month sentence CONCURRENT to the 6 year sentence he is currently serving (our office did NOT represent this client relative to the matter resulting in a 6 year period of imprisonment); the net result of the sentence was that our client would not be serving additional time germane to the proceeds conviction/ sentence.