Client charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and proceeds of crime as a consequence of police search of a motor vehicle resulting in the seizure of approximately 200 grams of marijuana. The police stopped and searched the vehicle on the mistaken belief that it was being driven by our client’s son whom the police believed to be a “known drug trafficker”. Through negotiation the Crown conceded the problematic nature of the search from a constitutional perspective …
22. Regina v. V.O. [Calgary Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, September 2008]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (4 ½ ounces) possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking (1 kilogram), possession of ecstacy for the purpose of trafficking (446 hits) and proceeds of crime ($5,700.00). Client was ultimately found guilty of only 1 offence – possession of marijuana under 3 kilograms for the purpose of trafficking. The Court imposed a 1 year Conditional Sentence Order (i.e.:house arrest).
23. Regina v. D.N. [Calgary Provincial Court, October 2008]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (5 ½ ounces) and proceeds of crime. Professional client of Asian decent finishes a game of shinny hockey with colleges only to find himself and colleagues up against the wall as a consequence of a concerned citizen’s complaint of “someone” smoking marijuana outside of the arena. The police take it upon themselves to search every Asian in attendance and their vehicles. After several hard fought months of negotiation with …
24. Regina v. C.D. [Calgary Provincial Court, October 2008]
Young female client charged with simple possession of marijuana as a consequence of a police search of her motor vehicle following a Flames game. Problematic search and seizure resulted in the charge being completely withdrawn on the date of trial.
25. Regina v. K.L.& G.P. [Calgary Provincial Court, December 2008]
Clients (husband and wife) charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and proceeds of crime as a consequence of a warrant to search executed on their home. As a consequence of unreasonable delay and a problematic warrant to search a was entered against both clients and all money seized by the police ($10,000.00) was returned to clients.
26. Regina v. Y.H. [Calgary Provincial Court, December 2008]
Client charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking (3 ½ ounces) and proceeds of crime (in excess of $100,000.00) as a consequence of a warrant executed by the police on residential premises. All charges against client resolved by way of an entry of a during the calling of witnesses during day 1 of the preliminary inquiry. Most of the funds seized by the police were returned to client.
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